The Shopping Channel (TSC) aired its first successful episode in 1987 which has resulted in their continued success as being Canada’s leading innovative and multi-channel retailer. offering a vast assortment of top brand names and exclusive merchandise online and on their Canadian network channel. Being Canada’s most diversified retailer TSC utilizes entainment, inspiration, personalities and industry leaders to to provide a unique shopping experience. At TSC, customers will appreciate the ease of finding exceptional selections in Health & Beauty, jewelry, home, fashion/accessories and electronics.
It is The Shopping Channel’s aim to have its customers enjoy a unique shopping including online. TSC provides its customers with high-quality, exceptional value, and convenience. When customers shop online at TSC they will find a full inventory of products, including information about the companies host, guests programming and much more. Be sure to check out The Shopping Channel network and online site to get the top brand products at bargain prices!